
Joint letter to the EU Commission: more than 15 European organisations call for sustainable public food procurement

Joint letter to the EU Commission: more than 15 European organisations call for sustainable public food procurement

15+ organisations, sent an open letter to President Ursula von der Leyen and Commissioners EU with one clear message: let’s use public food procurement to provide more sustainable and healthier food. The European organisations call to clearly define the areas for the future development of minimum mandatory sustainable food procurement criteria and to include these 4 strategic minimum standards.

National policy dialogue – SchoolFood4Change: integrating the Whole Food school approach

National policy dialogue – SchoolFood4Change: integrating the Whole Food school approach

On Wednesday, May 17 at Compraverde there will be a working table to promote policies for introducing a comprehensive approach to healthy and sustainable nutrition in schools. The goal is to inform national stakeholders about the project and the innovative methodology developed to integrate innovative procurement, healthy diets with a comprehensive, integrated approach to nutrition education in schools.

Forum Compraverde Buygreen the Green Procurement General Assembly will be held in Rome on May 17 and 18

Forum Compraverde Buygreen the Green Procurement General Assembly will be held in Rome on May 17 and 18

Forum Compraverde Buygreen, the leading event in Italy and Europe for public and private Green Procurement policies, projects, goods and services, will be held on May 17 and 18 in Rome, at Palazzo WeGil. The key role of public procurement in policies for decarbonization, circular economy and biodiversity protection will be the focus of the two-day event.

EU poll reveals 93% of Europeans think food in public canteens should be guaranteed healthy

EU poll reveals 93% of Europeans think food in public canteens should be guaranteed healthy

According to a recent poll, 93% of Europeans agree that the food offered in public spaces, like schools and hospitals, should be guaranteed to be healthy. In a Europe where 1 in 3 school-aged children is obese or overweight and 24.4% of children are at risk of poverty or social exclusion, ensuring healthy and sustainable food in public canteens is an essential investment of public money.

Forum Compraverde 2023: the highlights of the Green Procurement General Assembly coming up on 17 and 18 May

Forum Compraverde 2023: the highlights of the Green Procurement General Assembly coming up on 17 and 18 May

It will be may for the first time, on Wednesday 17 and Thursday 18, to host the 2023 edition of the Forum Compraverde Buygreen, the Green Procurement General Assembly, organised by Fondazione Ecosistemi at WeGil in Rome. "Change the purchases not the climate" is the urgent invitation that Forum's promoters are addressing to the main actors involved in the purchasing of goods and services.

Compraverde Buygreen 2023: meeting on 17 and 18 May in Rome with the Green Procurement General Assembly

Compraverde Buygreen 2023: meeting on 17 and 18 May in Rome with the Green Procurement General Assembly

The annual Forum Compraverde Buygreen from 2023 will be held in May. This new timing is intended to further strengthen the forum's usability and contribution to green procurement and, more generally, to the country's ecological transition. The 17th edition, therefore, returns on 17 and 18 May again at the WeGil building in Rome.

Manifesto for establishing minimum standards for public canteens across the EU

Manifesto for establishing minimum standards for public canteens across the EU

The Sustainable Food Procurement manifesto calls for a minimum standard for public canteens across the EU as part of implementing the Farm to Fork strategy. It contains precise targets, procurement tender criteria, verification and enablers for seven actionable target areas which go beyond ‘green’ (or environmentally friendly) public procurement.

Forum Compraverde Buygreen 2022: how to use PNRR funds in a sustainable way

Forum Compraverde Buygreen 2022: how to use PNRR funds in a sustainable way

The start of the annual Forum Compraverde Buygreen is just over a week away. The 2022 edition will take place in the historic WeGil building in Trastevere, on 19 and 20 October next and will be available in live streaming on

Small plate, big impact: Buy Better Food launches campaign for healthy school meals

Small plate, big impact: Buy Better Food launches campaign for healthy school meals

The Buy Better Food Campaign has initiated an EU-wide petition for ‘A healthy meal for every child in every EU School’. The aim is to invite cities and citizens to urge EU and national policy makers to implement meals for the implementation of the EU Farm to Fork strategy.