Forum Compraverde 2023: the highlights of the Green Procurement General Assembly coming up on 17 and 18 May

18 April 2023

It will be may for the first time, on Wednesday 17 and Thursday 18, to host the 2023 edition of the Forum Compraverde Buygreen, the Green Procurement General Assembly, organised by Fondazione Ecosistemi at WeGil in Rome.

“Change the purchases not the climate” is the urgent invitation that Forum’s promoters are addressing to the main actors involved in the purchasing of goods and services to take action, to implement the ecological conversion of production and consumption patterns to reduce the likelihood of serious climate change.

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), the DNSH (Do No Significant Harm) principle and the ecological transition are the threads running through a programme involving experts, politicians, public and private authorities during the two-day event.

On 17 May, the focus will be on the fundamental role of public procurement in policies for decarbonisation, the circular economy and the protection of biodiversity. The role of Green Procurement in food policies in Italy and Europe will also be discussed. Focus of the day will also be on the new Minimum Environmental Criteria for events and the presentation, for the first time, of We Green catalogue, a guide to products and services for realising events with reduced environmental impact.

On 18 May, the focus will be on the numbers of Green Public Procurement in Italy with the presentation of the 6th report of the Green Procurement Observatory, produced by Legambiente and Fondazione Ecosistemi. On the same day, there will also be a focus on cities and climate, with an analysis of the paths to be taken by the 9 Italian cities (Bergamo, Bologna, Florence, Milan, Padua, Parma, Prato, Rome, Turin) committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in urban areas to achieve climate neutrality by 2030.

The Forum will also talk about sustainable, inclusive and healthy schools. Workshops during the two-day event include how to realise low environmental impact buildings in compliance with minimum environmental criteria and the DNSH principle and how to value migrant background in procurement.

The GPP Academy, a point of reference in training, will be live streaming with training and information sessions on new legislation, projects and good sustainability practices.

The Forum will award the Compraverde 2023 Prize to the best Italian Green Public Procurement experiences in the following sections: Bando Verde, Politica GPP, Mensa Verde, Vendor Rating e Acquisti Sostenibili, Cultura in Verde, Edilizia in Verde and Social Procurement.

Forum Compraverde Buygreen is promoted by Fondazione Ecosistemi with the patronage and participation of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, Regione Lazio and Roma Capitale in partnership with Legambiente, Agende 21 Locali Italiane, Confindustria, ALI – Autonomie Locali Italiane, Fairtrade, Confcooperative Lavoro e Servizi.

The two days programme can be viewed HERE!

Social media


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