Compraverde Buygreen 2023: meeting on 17 and 18 May in Rome with the Green Procurement General Assembly

31 January 2023

The annual Forum Compraverde Buygreen from 2023 will be held in May. This new timing is intended to further strengthen the forum’s usability and contribution to green procurement and, more generally, to the country’s ecological transition.

The 17th edition, therefore, returns on 17 and 18 May again at the WeGil building in Rome. This year’s slogan “Let’s change purchases not the climate!” is an open invitation to the main actors involved in the procurement of goods and services to act, to implement the ecological conversion of production and consumption patterns to reduce the likelihood of serious climate change.

The two-day event will bring different topics on stage without ever shifting the focus away from PNRR, the DNSH (Do No Significant Harm) principle and the ecological transition: challenges and opportunities in Italy. On the agenda will be an analysis of Green Public Procurement in Italy and Europe, reporting on purchasing and supply chains of large Italian companies, the new Minimum Environmental Criteria for events, The migratory background in procurement policies, sustainability in the construction industry, social criteria and gender procurement, food policy and sustainable public catering.

At the forum also the GPP Academy’s training and information sessions on new legislation, projects and good sustainability practices. The forum will award the Compraverde Prize divided into sections: Compraverde, Mensa Verde, Vendor Rating e Acquisti Sostenibili, Cultura in Verde, Edilizia Verde e Social Procurement.

The forum is organised by Fondazione Ecosistemi in partnership and with the participation of public, private and third sector organisations.

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